Most important changes to the PerfectView conditions in May 2018
The most important changes that we have made have arisen as a result of the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU). In addition, we took the opportunity to improve our conditions.
Below, we give you a brief summary of the most important changes.
General Terms and Conditions:
- To simplify things and make it clearer, we have combined the General Conditions and the General Terms of Use into one document: the General Terms and Conditions;
- We have included the General Data Protection Regulation and adapted the associated terminology to replace the Personal Data Protection Act;
- The index we used is no longer supported by the Statistics Bureau of the Netherlands (CBS). We have replaced this with a potential annual increase, with a maximum of five per cent;
- The liability is connected to our liability insurance instead of a maximization of the annual order value. We are insured for professional liability for € 1,500,000 per event with a maximum of 2 events per year.
General User Conditions:
- To simplify things and make it clearer, we have combined the General Conditions and the General Terms of Use. The General User Conditions are therefore no longer valid.
Processing Terms and Conditions
Changes have been made to these conditions in order to improve them and to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. PerfectView has thereby once more created such a set of conditions that both parties (the client and PerfectView) comply with the legislation.
- We have included the General Data Protection Regulation and adapted the associated terminology to replace the Personal Data Protection Act;
- The liability is connected to our liability insurance instead of a maximum of the annual order value. We are insured for professional liability for € 1,500,000 per event with a maximum of 2 events per year.
- We have added four appendices:
- Description of security measures;
- Description of processor activities;
- Information to evaluate incidents;
- Sub-processor register